Welcome to my Spring update. Given that this update marks the end of my first year as Chief Executive of Circle, I felt it would be a good opportunity to look back over the year past, and what I’ve learned in the role so far, as well as looking forward to the year ahead.

The most striking thing for me over the year just gone has been the level of regard that there is for Circle, and our work, among the beneficiaries, funders, partners and wider stakeholders. Time and again over the last year people have spoken to me about their admiration for Circle. As gratifying as this is for me, I am very conscious that this is the result of the work done in communities across central Scotland by our outreach teams and the work staff have put in over many years to refine the delivery, and ethos, of our whole family approach.

Another thing I have learned is how difficult and complex it is to keep an organisation of this size functioning in the current age of austerity. It is a constant challenge to keep the funding coming in that enables the work we do with children and families to continue. This is another area where being surrounded by a committed, professional and caring team is invaluable and has really helped me through the first year as Chief Executive. It has also made me really value the commitment and generosity of all our funders who show real, ongoing commitment to the organisation.

As the year rolls around we are delighted to announce many of our regular events are happening again. We have just announced the launch of The DARED Challenge 2020 last week. This is an event that is close to my heart as I am an avid runner myself and I am looking forward to taking part myself for the first time this year. Circle really appreciates this opportunity to work with members of the education sector to promote physical and mental well-being through regular exercise whilst also raising money to help vulnerable children and families. I will be working to get in shape over the coming weeks for the event in June and would encourage anyone who wants to join us to sign up here –


We are also delighted to be chosen by both the Vialex and Navigator partnership as their Charity of the Year. We are really looking forward to them being involved in the work of Circle in the coming year and we’re sure that awe can achieve a great deal together whilst learning about one another’s organisations and hopefully having some fun as we go. If your workplace is selecting a charity partner in the future, then please consider us.

As always we have a few staff announcements to make starting with wishing Hazel, one of our Senior Outreach Worker, all the best on her forthcoming maternity leave. I’d also like to personally welcome several new Family Outreach Workers to the Circle team. I am sure that Tee Oladimeji, Laura Mayhew, and Coral Donaldson will continue Circle’s sterling record of delivering top quality support to the families we work alongside.

Wishing all the best to all our supporters, partners and funders and I hope you enjoy our Spring Newsletter.

As always if you have any thoughts or questions on any of the above then please feel free to get in touch.

Mark Kennedy


0131 551 7573