Referrals to the Addiewell service can either be self-referrals or by voluntary and statutory professionals.


  • Men currently in HMP Addiewell, who are fathers with children aged 18 and under;
  • Men who are fathers who are leaving HMP Addiewell and returning to North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire and West Lothian.

A whole family support service for fathers, their children and their families in response to supporting fathers who are leaving HMP Addiewell. The support encompasses working with the whole family to address parenting, addiction, housing, financial and relationship issues amongst others.

The Addiewell Service will focus on:

  • Supporting fathers who are currently residing in HMP Addiewell addressing factors that have influenced this.
  • Support to men in their parenting role, managing behaviours and strengthening relationships with their children.
  • Support for fathers to have their views heard and help them to understand and participate in meetings.
  • Direct work with children and young people affected by their experiences of a parent’s imprisonment and complex needs.
  • Support for men in improving financial and housing circumstances.