In-depth and Illuminating Annual Analysis of Circle’s Range of Projects

Circle’s purpose is to improve the lives of children by strengthening families and we aim to achieve this by working at the heart of deprived communities across central Scotland. Currently we have six projects:

  1. East Lothian
  2. West Lothian
  3. Families Affected by Imprisonment (North Lanarkshire, South Lanarkshire, West Lothian, Fife & Forth Valley and Tayside)
  4. Harbour (Edinburgh)
  5. Haven (North Edinburgh)
  6. Practice Learning (National)

Every year Circle produce an overview of the work, impact and evaluation of each of these projects. Each report contains a wealth of qualitative and quantitative data on a variety of topics, including:

> Project Background                      > Beneficiaries                                   > Outcomes

> Referral Type and Reason         > Community Connections         > COVID-19

> Funding                                                > Case Studies                                    > Project Development Plan

Our aim is to give our beneficiaries a voice in all the reporting we do. This feedback sits alongside the factual evidence of why they are working with us, where their referral came from and what the results of our work with them were. In this way we try to give a clear picture of the work we do and why it is required.

Referral reasons to Harbour Project 2020/21

Referral sources to FABI Project 2020/21

Each report contains a mix of professional narrative, colourful statistical evidence and quotes from beneficiaries and professionals. They also include a detailed case study which outlines, anonymously, an example of the work the project has delivered with a family or individual and what the positive impacts of this work have been, like this:

ISSEP Case Study 2020/21

We use this data, and these reports, to reflect and celebrate the work we have achieved as well as guiding where our future focus needs to lie. These annual documents play an important part in our planning process, helping to drive and shape the support we provide, inspire adaptation and innovation and highlight any areas we may have overlooked or that are becoming more prevalent.

Circle have always been keen to share our experience and knowledge and so these reports are also used in reporting to partners, funders and local authorities. Here is a list, and link to, of all the reports we have published this year:

East Lothian

♥ West Lothian


♥ Harbour

♥ Haven

♥ Practice Learning

We also prepare reports on two of our most significant sub-projects who undertake work that is unique within Circle:

♥ Pupil Equity Fund

♥ Inter-School Social Education Project (ISSEP)

We hope that you find the reports and the stories they tell enlightening and informative. If you would like any more information about any of the projects then please just get in touch – 

And if you would like to support any of the work you have read about then you can make a donation here.