Circle’s FABI team were delighted and honoured to be one of two charities chosen by the Tartan Army Children’s Charity (TACC) to be awarded £5,000. TACC’s amazing work promotes supporting disadvantaged children in Scotland and in the countries they visit to watch Scotland’s football team play. They aim to bring happiness to children wherever Scotland plays, home or away. Two workers attended TACC’s Christmas party in November where the cheque was presented. This was a wonderful evening and Circle thanks TACC for their warm welcome and generosity.  There is no doubt that their kind donation brought a lot of happiness to families supported by the FABI team this Christmas. 56 families and 93 children were able to have a less stressful and happier Christmas in 2015. Additional money is being used for organised fun activities with families in February. Families have welcomed this support and have been extremely appreciative of the wonderful contribution from TACC. Following are views from our parents shared with their Family Support Workers:

“Feel like a proper Santa Claus…..this is amazing thank you so much.”

“TACC money was a godsend don’t know what I would’ve done without it. Probably wouldn’t have been able to afford Christmas this year if it wasn’t for TACC and Circle.”

One parent commented to her Family Support Worker that as she has no family or friends, having the opportunity to choose her own food and cook her first Christmas dinner is amazing. She said that this has made her Christmas special and she can’t thank Circle and TACC enough.

“A massive thank you to TACC and Circle for helping me have the best Christmas.” Parent was overwhelmed with having the opportunity to buy her first Christmas dinner and presents for her daughters.

“The TACC money has helped me to buy Christmas presents for my daughter…..I am now excited for Christmas, this is a massive weight off my shoulders.”

“The money got me something that I could not afford for my daughter and I can’t thank you enough.”

“I just want to thank you overall for absolutely everything you have done for me and my family and the shopping trip was fantastic and made a big difference to my family for Christmas. My boys will love their toys and also their new outfits – they will be so smart and it’s down to you.”

“Thank you for helping me to have our first Christmas as a family.”