Grow Your Own Routes was created to fill a gap in support for young people in many areas of Scotland including East Lothian. Lots of services focus on the young people’s own drug/alcohol use and Scottish Families found that there is not much support for those who are affected by the drug/alcohol use of a family member.

Routes was designed and tested in partnership with young people over three years in East and West Dunbartonshire and has received incredible feedback from young people, partner agencies, social work and schools.

What is Grow Your Own Routes?

Grow Your Own Routes is:

  • For young people aged 12-26, living in East Lothian who are affected by a loved one’s substance use.
  • An evidenced based Youth Work programme which combines 1-1 and groupwork.
  • Focused on the young people, building their resilience, self esteem and friendships.
  • Support that lasts as long as the young person wants it to.

Scottish Families have said of Routes:

“The Routes model engages young people to effect change in their lives, recognising that living with chaos and trauma in your family does not need to lead to poor outcomes.

With the right support, young people can take a very different path, and have a positive future. Indeed the name ‘Routes came from the young people themselves, recognising the important of their roots (where they have come from), but that their families’ actions do not need to define the route they take in life.”

Here is what young people have said about their experiences with Routes:

“You have saved my life in so many ways. If it wasn’t for you sticking by me and being like a parent I never had and shaped my life into what it is now, I don’t think I would have made it to here.”

“I have met so many other young people who have been through something similar. I always thought it was just me going through this. When you’re at Routes you can forget about what’s happened and you get to experience what childhood should be like.”

The Routes Team & Contact Details

Our East Lothian Routes team is Hazel Fraser (Full-Time), Oliver Henderson (Full-Time) & Hayley Whyte (Part-Time).

We also continue to offer Family Peer Support (for anyone aged 21 +). If you’d like to discuss which service might suit your needs better, please get in touch with Project Manager, Angela Gentile: