Circle are very proud of the quality, and range, of individuals we have on our Board of Trustees. They play a key role in supporting Circle’s work, using their vast range of skills and experience to provide oversight on key decisions, monitoring our financial situation and providing input into Circle’s strategy for the future.
For the first time in four years, due to retirements, we find ourselves recruiting for places on the board and we thought that this would be a great opportunity to give you an idea of what being a Circle Trustee means to the incumbents. Perhaps you’ll like what you read and take advantage of this great opportunity to join our team and help us continue our great work. The deadline for applications is the 10th September.
Hi, I’m Cameron Wyllie, the retired Principal of George Heriot’s School and an English teacher by trade. Presently I am a trustee of Circle and write occasionally for The Scotsman.
1. How long have you been a trustee?
4 years
2. What made you want to become a trustee?
As I approached retirement, I wanted to do something useful and being a charity trustee articulated well with my employment.
3. Did you know much about Circle before you became involved as a trustee?
The school of which I was Head has a very long-standing arrangement with the ISSEP project at Pilton; beyond that I had very little notion of what Circle does.
My professional career was in the independent sector of education.
Working with Circle has introduced me to a different social environment altogether, and it has been a privilege to work with the other trustees with their very wide range of experience.
Money. Then peculiarities in public sympathy after the pandemic, which has made many people more inward-looking.
To be genuinely interested in the charity and its work, but not to be so overawed that they never criticise or query.
Trustees, with their responsibilities need to be prepared to support but also give keen scrutiny to the work and progress of the charity and its employees.
If you would be interested in applying for a role on Circle’s board you will find further information here.
We are particularly interested in hearing from candidates who have lived experience of the care system, justice, recovery, early years services, or the wider effects of poverty as well as individuals with experience of Fundraising, Legal Matters and Govt or Local Authority Commissioning
And if you have any questions then please just get in touch with our CEO, Mark Kennedy