Circle’s Families Affected by Imprisonment (FABI) team in partnership with HMP Addiewell and Families Outside organised a Year of the Dad seminar in February celebrating the difference a great dad can make. The seminar offered an opportunity for reflection on the value and importance of engaging with fathers, recognising the critical role they play in their children’s and families’ lives. The seminar was a huge success and we were delighted that Gary Clapton (Senior Lecturer Edinburgh University) contributed a thoughtful presentation on the ‘The Importance of Dads being Involved in their Children’s Lives.’ The seminar gave the opportunity for four fathers to share their experiences with all those present. A father commented that “I wouldn’t have coped outside if it wasn’t for Circle.” The fathers’ contributions were the most powerful of the day and definitely encouraged us all to think about how we support fathers and their families and positively move forward in influencing practice. The seminar was well attended by a range of agencies and professionals with feedback provided: “I attended Year of the Dad at HMP Addiewell and was extremely impressed as were the many others from various agencies who were also present. The feedback from the fathers who are currently serving a custodial sentence in HMP Addiewell was very powerful and positive.”
Circle was delighted to participate in the first ever seminar held at HMP Addiewell. May it be the first of many!
Group photo at Year of the Dad seminar.
Deputy Director of HMP Addiewell, Angela, validated the key role dads play in their children’s lives: “an offending dad is not a bad dad”.