Regardless of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the day-to-day business of the charity continues as normal and we were delighted to be able to present our Annual Report and Accounts for 2019/2020 to the board at our meeting in July.
The accounts show an improved financial performance for Circle. We managed to record a moderate surplus at year end which we are using to bolster our reserves which have been depleted in the last few years. This represents a positive turnaround in our financial performance on the previous few years. This improvement came about both as a result of a financial restructure that we carried out in March 2019 and an increase in support from our valued funders and donors over the course of the year.
We are hugely appreciative of your ongoing support for our vital work. During the year we welcomed a number of new funders including The Walter Scott Trust, KPE4, The Tampon Tax Fund, The Challenge Fund, The Muirhouse Housing Association, The Henry Smith Charity and East Lothian Council. We also organised our largest ever fundraising event, The DARED Challenge 2019, which had 154 participants who did a run every day in June in support of Circle and raised £14,000+.