Circle’s FABI team facilitated one of the workshops at a Women and Criminal Justice Event hosted in March. The event was hosted by the Criminal Justice Voluntary Sector Forum and The Prison Reform Trust. The event brought together a mix of people from statutory services, third sector organisations, academic institutions, independent funding organisations and individuals with lived experience of the criminal justice system. The purpose of the event included reviewing and discussing progress towards the Angiolini Recommendation, promoting and sharing information about services and support currently available for women affected by the criminal justice system. Circle facilitated an afternoon session promoting discussion on supports and services that we provide for women and their families and how collaboratively we can link in with the range of agencies who participated in these discussions. We were delighted that a mother, accompanied by her family support worker, also attended the event and contributed her own thoughts and experiences to the workshop discussion. She identified what works well in the provision of support and the difference Circle’s support has made to her and her family.