This April is Care Experienced History Month.

We’re joining activists and allies from around the world to commemorate the history of Care Experienced people in various countries, including Scotland, by supporting the first-ever global Care Experienced History Month.

We want to understand why care is the way it is and how the systems we have in place today came to be, by understanding the history. Together, by telling the global story of the Care Experienced community, we can learn, grow, connect with our identity and remember this rich and important history.

Circle’s sponsorship of the first ever Care Experienced History Month.

Our sponsorship will enable ‘Who Cares Scotland’ to pay their steering group members for their time, invest in technology that brings us together and create events across the world that mark Care Experienced history. In return our staff are being offered training opportunities which will raise their awareness and help to inform future interventions.

Care Experienced Day of Remembrance

This image is for the International Care Experienced Day of Remembrance on Friday 30th April 2021, to mark the end of the first-ever Care Experienced History Month. The plan is for a social media remembrance campaign to spark a global conversation. This symbol has been created by Care Experienced people, to honour the legacy of the Care Experienced people who have come before them. The image represents a bridge from the past to present; a bridge to the people, a bridge to the future and bridging the divide in understanding of the history of Care Experienced people. If you would like to share this event / image on your social media then you can download it here: Facebook Image, Twitter Image, Instagram Image and use or look out for #CEHM #CareExperiencedHistoryMonth
“Circle strongly believes that the voices of families, children and young people should heard by those with the power to make decisions that affect their lives.  In supporting families affected exclusion and poverty we work to ensure that their experience, needs, and desires are central to the work we do together.  In sponsoring Care Experienced History Month, we are affirming our commitment to ensuring that the voices of care experienced people are amplified and that their experience is situated in a broader historical and societal context.  This will, we hope, increase understanding of the steps that need to be taken to ensure care experienced people can achieve their goals and potential.” Mark Kennedy, Circle CEO

Learning Opportunities

For an incredibly interesting chronology of the experiences of care experienced people in Scotland –

“Care Experienced people have been a part of this country since the beginning. Like everyone else, they have dreams, hopes and aspirations. However, throughout history, they have faced systemic and cultural oppression.”

Or you can watch a ‘Who Cares? Scotland’ presentation discussing the history of care in Scotland and the cultural impact of Care Experienced people throughout history –

If you would like to know more about Circle’s commitment to the support of Care Experienced Individuals then please don’t hesitate to get in touch –